Shaquille O'Neal during his basketball career was known, among other names, as the Big Diesel, the Big Aristotle and, more recently, the Big Shamrock (though that didn't work out too well). In honor of Shaq's retirement, I am bestowing a new nickname on myself: The Big Justifier.
You see, I can justify myself right out of anything, especially a workout. Throughout the past 88 days, I have done my very best to come up with reasons why I CAN'T work out. Usually, this happens in the morning when I'm trying to think of a reason why I shouldn't get up and push play, including:
"If I start working out now, I won't be done for an hour and I'll be late for work."
"My (knee, back, neck, ear, hair, cuticle) hurts--maybe I should take a day off."
"I'll work out tonight instead of this morning"
It goes on and on. Even this morning I held an internal debate with myself about whether I should work out. I have an early appointment, so I need to leave the house by around 7: 15 a.m. It took so long for my internal debate that--guess what--I actually did miss my window and I don't have time. So, I really will have to get it done tonight.
The Big Justifier strikes again.
The good news is that in the past, I could justify myself right out of exercising and right in to a plate of wings and nachos. But over the past 12 weeks, my Inner-Justifier has not been very successful. I've only missed three workouts (and two were due to circumstances beyond my control) and I've continued to eat pretty well. And with just three days left in my first round of P90x, I certainly won't miss tonight's effort.
The Big Justifier needs to step off.