It is not surprising that the vast majority of my visitors are from the good ol' U.S.A. But imagine my surprise when I saw where some other visitors were from. Belgium, Russia, Singapore, Benin and ...hold up. Benin? Yes, really, Benin.
Now I must confess that before about two minutes ago when I searched it, I wasn't 100 percent sure where Benin was, other than it was in Africa. Apparently it is an African republic bordered by Togo on one side, Nigeria on the other and the "Bight of Benin" on the south. More than 9 million people live in Benin and the official language is French. So, the question is....why was someone in Benin reading this blog?
Before any of you technobots out there ruin my fun, I'm aware this could simply be a technical issue about where the IP address is hosted and my "Benin" correspondent is probably a hacker living in his parents' basement in Jersey.
But I prefer to think more romantically--that there is someone doing P90x in their apartment in Cotonou who was feeling bad about not being able to finish Yoga X and was looking for some friendly advice. A quick Google search and--Voila--they found P-Daddy-X.
To my Beninese friends, keep reading...and keep pushing play! Bonne nuit.
You got Belgium thanks to your cousin Becky. :-)