But recently, I've been finding myself pushing "pause" a little more often.
Most of the workouts are about an hour and short water breaks, from 30 seconds to a minute, are peppered throughout the sessions. Tony Horton, the taskmaster, encourages participants to hit pause if they need a longer break. The first few weeks I refused to push pause. But recently, I've been doing it more because I need a slightly longer break. But I think this is a good thing.
I'm able to do the exercises more vigorously and more completely. Therefore, I'm putting out more effort than I did in the past and I'm sweating like a corporate executive during a 60 Minutes interview. For that reason, I'm a little more spent during the workouts.
I don't pause the workouts for more than an extra 20-30 seconds, but in many cases that extra break is all I need to keep going.
So, definitely push play each day. But don't be afraid to push pause.
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