Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

5 Guys Revisited

On my 2nd day of P90x, the folks in my office ordered Five Guys for lunch. I was bitter--and hungry--but I resisted. You can read all about it here.

Today, the idea of Five Guys came up again in the office. Since I'm on my two week "break" (and this is also my last week in this office), I decided to go for it. I had a cheeseburger and fries.

Now, here's the part where I'm supposed to tell you it really wasn't that good and that my tastes have changed so radically that I'm not sure I really enjoy food like that anymore. However, if I said that, I'd be lying. It was good.

Very good. Sorry. Some things never change.

However, what has changed is that this won't be a weekly meal anymore--just an occasional treat. Not only is it bad for me, but there's another side effect: I need a nap now!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Days 91-93: Old Habits Die Hard, and Come Back Harder

After Day 90, this was the plan: Take a week off from rigorous exercise, eat what I want (within reason) and then start my next round of P90x on June 20. But I can't wait that long. Here's why:

Saturday night was nice. We went to Austin Grill in Rockville and I had a steak, with mashed potatoes, some veggies, and a very tall, cold Blue Moon. Afterwards, we went to Berry Cup, a yogurt place next door, and I topped the evening off with a glass of Maker's Mark. And I couldn't sleep that night.

On Sunday, I didn't eat too badly, but I had some cookies during the coffee time at church and some other unhealthy snacks during the day. And I couldn't sleep that night. By today, I was back to popping hard candies in my mouth and grabbing handfuls of snack without thinking (like Wheat Thins, which puts the "crack" in cracker for me).

The difference is simply that for the preceding 90 days, I was THINKING about what I was eating. I was bringing snacks to work with me and being very particular about what I put in my body. For the past three days, I haven't been thinking about it much. And, very quickly, I'm thinking about it less and less. It's surprising how quickly the old habits come back..

So, it's time to get back into a routine. I probably still won't actually start P90x again until later in June. But, I am going to start exercising again tomorrow morning and watching what I eat.

And, to the Wheat Thins: GET BEHIND THEE SATAN!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 90: A Photo Finish

I made it. Day 90. I got up at 6 a.m. and put in the one workout I hadn't done yet--Cardio X. It's like a "greatest hits of all the other workouts: some yoga, a little ploymetrics and some kenpo. By 7 a.m., Day 90 was in the books.

A friend asked me, recently, if I was going to post pictures of myself with "six-pack" abs after I hit Day 90. Uh, no. The only six-pack in my life remains the frosty cold kind pictured here.

I have been--and remain--somewhat reluctant to put photos of my shirtless self on the internet. People might see them and go "HOLY CRAP! If that's what's on the Internet, I'll never use it again." But, given that everyone at Woodley Gardens Pool is forced to see me as such during the summer, I will post the following Day 1 and Day 90 photos. Looking at these photos, I realize:

1) I have definitely lost weight and changed my body shape.
2) I still have a long way to go.
3) I'm still funny looking.

I'm very proud of number 1. And, after a brief break--and a meal of burger, fries and an ice cold beer--I shall continue the journey to address number 2. However, number 3 ain't gonna change, but that's okay: I have a beautiful wife or, as my friend Clint says, I "outkicked my coverage." Amen.

So, shield your eyes, hide your children and don't eat at least an hour before looking at these. I'll post some more thoughts later, but here are the pics:

Day 1

Day 90

Day 1 (This is an especially attractive picture. I'm saying "who is that fat guy?")

Day 90 (I decided not to look at the screen, so I couldn't say "who is that fat guy?")

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 89: Happy Doughnut Day!

Today is National Doughnut Day and most of your favorite doughnut shops are giving a free orb of manna. Normally this would be a day of celebration for me. I love doughnuts almost as much as Homer Simspon--especially hot Krispy Kremes.

But given that this is the penultimate (big word!) day of my first round of P90x, I will have to pass on a free circle of glazed goodness.

Of course this reminds me of one of the biggest challenges I will face in my new job in Washington D.C. On June 29, I will begin a new gig that will require me to take the Metro to Dupont Circle and walk about a half mile to my office. That's all fine.

But the problem is that I will have to walk right past a Krispy Kreme EVERY SINGLE MORNING on my way to work. In fact, as you emerge from the metro stop I will take, you can smell the doughnuts. That will be a challenge.

Must. Be. Strong.

Mmmmmmmmm. Douuuggghhnuts.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 87 & 88: My New Shaq-a-licious Nickname

Shaquille O'Neal during his basketball career was known, among other names, as the Big Diesel, the Big Aristotle and, more recently, the Big Shamrock (though that didn't work out too well). In honor of Shaq's retirement, I am bestowing a new nickname on myself: The Big Justifier.

You see, I can justify myself right out of anything, especially a workout. Throughout the past 88 days, I have done my very best to come up with reasons why I CAN'T work out. Usually, this happens in the morning when I'm trying to think of a reason why I shouldn't get up and push play, including:

"If I start working out now, I won't be done for an hour and I'll be late for work."

"My (knee, back, neck, ear, hair, cuticle) hurts--maybe I should take a day off."

"I'll work out tonight instead of this morning"

It goes on and on. Even this morning I held an internal debate with myself about whether I should work out. I have an early appointment, so I need to leave the house by around 7: 15 a.m. It took so long for my internal debate that--guess what--I actually did miss my window and I don't have time. So, I really will have to get it done tonight.

The Big Justifier strikes again.

The good news is that in the past, I could justify myself right out of exercising and right in to a plate of wings and nachos. But over the past 12 weeks, my Inner-Justifier has not been very successful. I've only missed three workouts (and two were due to circumstances beyond my control) and I've continued to eat pretty well. And with just three days left in my first round of P90x, I certainly won't miss tonight's effort.

The Big Justifier needs to step off.