Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Days 91-93: Old Habits Die Hard, and Come Back Harder

After Day 90, this was the plan: Take a week off from rigorous exercise, eat what I want (within reason) and then start my next round of P90x on June 20. But I can't wait that long. Here's why:

Saturday night was nice. We went to Austin Grill in Rockville and I had a steak, with mashed potatoes, some veggies, and a very tall, cold Blue Moon. Afterwards, we went to Berry Cup, a yogurt place next door, and I topped the evening off with a glass of Maker's Mark. And I couldn't sleep that night.

On Sunday, I didn't eat too badly, but I had some cookies during the coffee time at church and some other unhealthy snacks during the day. And I couldn't sleep that night. By today, I was back to popping hard candies in my mouth and grabbing handfuls of snack without thinking (like Wheat Thins, which puts the "crack" in cracker for me).

The difference is simply that for the preceding 90 days, I was THINKING about what I was eating. I was bringing snacks to work with me and being very particular about what I put in my body. For the past three days, I haven't been thinking about it much. And, very quickly, I'm thinking about it less and less. It's surprising how quickly the old habits come back..

So, it's time to get back into a routine. I probably still won't actually start P90x again until later in June. But, I am going to start exercising again tomorrow morning and watching what I eat.

And, to the Wheat Thins: GET BEHIND THEE SATAN!

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