Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 89: Happy Doughnut Day!

Today is National Doughnut Day and most of your favorite doughnut shops are giving a free orb of manna. Normally this would be a day of celebration for me. I love doughnuts almost as much as Homer Simspon--especially hot Krispy Kremes.

But given that this is the penultimate (big word!) day of my first round of P90x, I will have to pass on a free circle of glazed goodness.

Of course this reminds me of one of the biggest challenges I will face in my new job in Washington D.C. On June 29, I will begin a new gig that will require me to take the Metro to Dupont Circle and walk about a half mile to my office. That's all fine.

But the problem is that I will have to walk right past a Krispy Kreme EVERY SINGLE MORNING on my way to work. In fact, as you emerge from the metro stop I will take, you can smell the doughnuts. That will be a challenge.

Must. Be. Strong.

Mmmmmmmmm. Douuuggghhnuts.

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