Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 59: Trying to Answer the Bell

Last night, one of my good friends from Georgia was in town for business and we got to hang out, have dinner and drink a few beers. I gave myself some PDaddyX latitude on one condition: I had to answer the bell in the morning. When the alarm went off at 5 a.m., I'd get up and work out, no matter how tired or, uh, impacted I was from my school night out.

I didn't overdo it last night, but I certainly didn't underdo it either. I rolled in around 11:30 a.m. and by midnight, I was ready to sleep. I made sure my Blackberry, which I use as an alarm, was set and by my side so I could answer the bell.

Fairly quickly I fell asleep, but I popped up a couple of times, with the first thing on my mind being "answer the bell!"

I was awakened by my four-year-old with his now regular question: "Daddy, are you going to 'extersize' this morning?" I replied "Yes, big man" and I was about to say "why are you up so early?" when it dawned on me it was light outside. Not a good sign.

Turns out, in my effort to "set" my alarm, I actually turned it off.

Needless to say, all I could think about during work today was that I was going to have to answer the bell tonight, after work, after my son's track meet and after bed time.

I'm pleased to say I did in fact answer the bell tonight--but I'll double check my alarm is set before going to bed tonight.

Gotta extersize.

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