Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Days 81 & 82: What a Pain in the....

I know exactly when it happened. As I was pushing for just one extra rep during one of the bicep exercises yesterday (May 26), I stupidly jerked my arms really hard up and--oof--I felt a pain in my neck. I kept working out, but I knew I had pulled a muscle and for the rest of the day I'd be feeling it.

As expected, I spent the entire day was walking around like Mr. Roboto. And this morning, my neck is still pretty stiff.

Over 80 days of P90X, I've stayed relatively injury-free and now, with Day 90 in sight, I hurt my neck. Truth be told, a little Advil and some stretching will loosen it up, but I'm gonna be really careful the rest of the way not to tweak, pull, break, crack or hurt anything. I've decided that Yoga--at least the way I do it--is probably not the best choice for me this morning.

No more Mr. Roboto dance for me.

Domo Arigato.

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