Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 80: Don't Be the Utah Jazz

In the 1990s, the Utah Jazz were a really good team. But I wouldn't say they were great. Why? Because they couldn't finish. The Jazz, led by Karl Malone and John Stockton, won more than 50 games every year, went deep in the playoffs and then--every year--came up short. They just couldn't finish. It didn't help that there was this team called "Da Bulls" with a player named Jordan.

Still, I'm a little worried that I'm acting like the Utah Jazz. With just 10 days left in my first round of P90x, I am losing steam. I'm not getting enough sleep, I'm not getting up early enough and, while I'm still working out hard, I can't say my intensity level is where it should be.

I did plyometrics this morning, but I started late and, at the beginning, I felt like I was just going through the motions. As the workout went on, my intensity level rose and I did get a good workout in. But it wasn't my best.

I won't be too hard on myself. There's a lot going on elsewhere in my life (more on that in a future post) but that's no excuse. There's always going to be distractions. My challenge is to remain focused and finish these 10 days strong.

I need to be like Da Bulls and finish what I started.

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