Still, I'm a little worried that I'm acting like the Utah Jazz. With just 10 days left in my first round of P90x, I am losing steam. I'm not getting enough sleep, I'm not getting up early enough and, while I'm still working out hard, I can't say my intensity level is where it should be.
I did plyometrics this morning, but I started late and, at the beginning, I felt like I was just going through the motions. As the workout went on, my intensity level rose and I did get a good workout in. But it wasn't my best.
I won't be too hard on myself. There's a lot going on elsewhere in my life (more on that in a future post) but that's no excuse. There's always going to be distractions. My challenge is to remain focused and finish these 10 days strong.
I need to be like Da Bulls and finish what I started.
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