Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Days 76 & 77: The End is Near!

With the Rapture predicted for yesterday (May 21), I held off on my Legs and Back workout. After all, if I was going to ascend into Heaven, I don't think leg strength would matter. And if the Rapture occurred and I didn't ascend into Heaven, I don't think the my thigh and calf strength would really matter. Once 6 p.m. passed, I realized the End was not coming (at least not now) and I would need to do my workout.

However, the end is near--the end of my 90 days.

In just 13 short work outs, I will have made it through my first round of P90x. As I've blogged before, it is important for me to know what's next before I finish the 90 days. Too often, I have reached a weight or fitness goal and then shut it down, giving up all the progress I made and gaining all the weight back (and then some).

I am determined that will not happen again.

Once I finish my 90 days (June 4 for those keeping track), my plan is to take a couple of weeks "off" (meaning only working out three days a week) and then do it over again.

I may make some changes. I've considered getting a pull-up bar (remember, I'm using bands this time through). I've also thought about getting P90x Plus, five additional workouts that you work into the rotation. Or maybe doing P90x "lean" which focuses more on weight loss than muscle gain. Regardless of what I choose, I know I'll keep doing P90x.

With no end in sight.

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