Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Day 57: The Cupcake Diet

As I've documented here, last week was a series of speed bumps in the PDaddyX journey. The last bump came on Saturday as we celebrated my son Will's 8th birthday. He had a cupcake cake--individual sugar bombs arranged to look like a cake. I struggled with whether I should have one, until Will looked at me from within his sugar haze and said....

"Daddy, aren't you going to have a piece of a birthday cake?" I told him I would and I did. My concern wasn't whether one cupcake would put all 20-25 pounds I've lost back on. It was the cumulative effect of a stressful week in which I missed two workouts and would now top off with a sugary, sweet (and wonderful) cupcake.

I got that answer this morning when I returned to my routine. I started phase 3 and found that I actually could do MORE pushups, more pulldowns with the bands and was able to push myself harder.

My muscles did get some rest the past several days and I felt lighter and stronger after my recovery week. And clearly the eight weeks of P90x have made me stronger. For instance, in week three, I could do two sets of 10 decline pushups. This morning? 18 in one set and 20 in the second.

So, even after a difficult week, I'm making progress. Either that, or I've discovered that cupcakes are the secret to true fitness. Mmmmmm...cupcakes.

Happy birthday, buddy boy!

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