Partly because I know how to get a big jump off a diving board and partly (mostly) because I had a wide, uh, surface area, I generated quite the splash. I was definitely the cannonball king at the Woodley Gardens Pool. (Actually, I do jackknifes, but you get the point.)
Today, the kids were back in the splash zone and I was back on the diving board. Yes, I'm 25-30 pounds lighter, but I'm also stronger and can generate even more force off the board. The result was the same...big splashes, lots of cheers, high fives.
But I think I look a little better doing it (well, at least I do in my mind).
Another positive sign: Last year after doing all my cannonballs, I would be wiped out. This year, I had enough energy to hang out in the pool, cut the lawn when I got home and do various tasks around the house. Hey, even the Cannonball King has chores.
One thing I did NOT do today was workout, but it was going to be a light day anyway. One five more workouts until Day 90 and I will do each and every one of them.
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