Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Days 74 & 75: Dancing like Elaine on Seinfeld?

I spent the latter part of this week at a retreat for my Leadership Montgomery class, which includes my P90x-ing friend Michael. Like many retreats, the evening included some--um--fellowship and fine spirits, if you get my drift.

Despite the late-night reverie, I was determined to get up today (Friday) and do Kenpo- X (which I swapped with Legs & Back workout, which I'll do Saturday). When the alarm went off at 6:30 a.m., I must say the ONLY thing getting me out of bed was the fact that Michael had said he MIGHT join me for the morning workout. So, I got my workout clothes on and slowly made my way to the room that had a TV and DVD player. Thankfully, Michael was there or I would have turned 180 and headed back to bed.

As we did the workout I started feeling a little better with each move. But when I was doing one of the moves, Michael looked at me and said "you're looking like Elaine from Seinfeld dancing." OUCH! And here I thought I was looking smooth.

Ah well. I was proud that we got up and did our workout. And Michael, who did not bring sneakers, gets extra points for working out in dark socks.

Just 15 days to go until Round 1 of P90x is done.

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