Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 34: Not Pulling the Trigger

The diet part of P90x is getting a little harder. I'm starting to crave some of my favorite foods-to-avoid.

In some cases I have given in a little. For instance, last night we met friends at Carmen's, an awesome Gelato place in Rockville. I allowed myself a small mango gelato (it rocks). In the past I would have ordered a large and then eaten whatever my kids didn't. Last night, I just had my small.

But there are some foods I just have to avoid. I call them trigger foods--once I start eating them, I can't stop and that leads to more and more bad eating. Chocolate Chip cookies, cheese sticks and Gen Tso's Chicken are trigger foods. But Doritos are my worst trigger food.

Pictured here is the bag of Doritos my son got at lunch today. I decided to try to have just one. A mistake. I wanted to shove the whole bag in my mouth. I resisted but now I've got that wonderfully artificial nacho taste in my mouth and I've got a major Dorito jones going.

Somehow,  a celery stick just isn't the same.

Must.....resist....Nacho-y....goodness. HELP.

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