Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 35: SNAP!

Over the past five (!) weeks, I've learned to really appreciate the workout bands. As I've mentioned, I've been using the bands instead of doing pull-ups due to the poor strength of my back and the doorways in my house. I've also been using them to do exercises that require lighter weights since I don't have a full array of dumbbells to work with. They provide great resistance and a full range of motion.

But each time I use them, I wonder to myself: How long does it take one of these to snap? Apparently, the answer is 35 days. In the middle of the second-to-last exercise in the "Chest, Shoulders and Triceps" torturefest--SNAP--the handle came right off. See the picture for the carnage. This was perhaps a little bit of a warning to me.

Full confession: I ate like crap this weekend. Friday night, I had gelato; Saturday, I went out to dinner and had eggplant parm; Sunday, I had pizza for lunch and for dinner had some type of fast-food Mexican dish that was made up to look like a salad, but without the vegetables.

Consequently, today's workout was ROUGH. I pretty much made no progress from last week's C/S/T workout, and last week wasn't pretty either.

I won't be TOO hard on myself. I still ate better than I was eating five weeks ago. I didn't have dessert on Saturday night and there wasn't a french fry or cheeseburger on my plate. But I ate just poorly enough to feel the difference when I tried to workout this morning. And "try" is the operative word.

So, I'd better be careful or the next thing to "snap" may be me!

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