Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 51: Are There Enough Hours in the Day?

Perhaps what I am most proud of over the past 51 days is that I haven't missed a single workout. Regardless of how sore I was, how much work I had, whether my kids were sick or whatever, I have done my workouts six days a week.

That all may change tomorrow.

The problem is simply that there aren't enough hours in the day. I have to be up super early tomorrow so I can't workout in the morning. Then I have work obligations all day and an event at night that I have to attend. By the time I get home it will probably be close to 9 p.m. and I am sure I'll be dog tired. If I have the energy, I'll workout then, but chances are I won't.

I'm hoping some free time will open up or I'll get home earlier than I thought. But, if that doesn't happen, I guess it's not the worst thing in the world to miss one workout, especially during my recovery week.

But to me, it's the principle of it: I missed my workouts for 10 years or longer, so I don't want to miss a single workout during these 90 days.

Either way, I can promise you I'll be up on Thursday morning ready to go.

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