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Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Day 49 & 50: Why Am I So Damn Sore Today?

Sunday is rest day from PDaddyX meaning that when I wake up on Monday, I usually feel pretty good. I'm not sore and I'm ready for the morning beating, um, I mean workout.

But not this morning. When I woke up this morning I ached in a way I haven't felt since before I started P90x. When the alarm went off this morning I hurt so badly, that I turned it off and decided to skip my workout altogether. While laying in bed, I kept trying to figure out why I was so sore. And then it hit me....

Yesterday was Easter. I decided to give myself a day off from the eating plan. I didn't overdo it but my diet consisted of things that I have generally stayed away from the past seven weeks--crackers, a few cookies, pizza, pasta (baked ziti to be exact), beer, big hunks of Italian bread and ice cream (and a few jellybeans).

This is what my diet was like before I started this program and I remember waking up sore almost every morning. So, to me I think yesterday's feast and this morning's soreness are directly linked. I have no scientific evidence for this--just my experience.

I figured the only way to get through the day was to work through it. I got up, had a couple of ibuprofen and drank a cup of coffee (Advil and French Roast, the breakfast of champions). Then, I did my Yoga workout (it's my recovery week, so Yoga comes first).

After sweating and stretching for 35 minutes, I felt much better. And it's just more proof to me that I cannot go back to the way I was living--my body just hates it.

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