Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 1: Humbling

I'm not going to beat myself up--the truth is, I got up, pressed play, made it through the Chest and Back workout and actually did a few of the exercises well. Having watched the infomercial for P90x countless times, I knew it would be difficult. It was. But let's be positive. Here's five things that went well today:

1) I got out of bed at 4:45 a.m., pressed play and exercised
2) The paramedics were not needed at any time
3) I did more push-ups than I thought I would
4) I stuck to the eating plan
5) I'm only "extremely" sore not "I think I'm going to die" sore.

On the downside, the 16 minute "Ab RipperX" workout--which came after the Chest and Back workout--was downright humiliating. At the end, the man leading the workouts (Tony Horton) declares that if we did all the exercises, we did more than 380 different core-strengthening exercises (or something like that). Maybe I did 20.

A six pack? I have a one pack, and apparently, it's made of oatmeal.

Tomorrow is Plyometrics. I'm frightened. Hold me.

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