Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 2: My Inner 2x4

My friend Eric has been doing P90x for a while and has been really encouraging as I prepared to start the program. So, it gave me some pause when this super supportive friend said: "Tomorrow is plyometrics. Man, it is gonna kick your butt."

Consider my butt kicked.

Plyometrics is a workout that uses jumping and fast movements to build power and speed. It requires good balance and good flexibility. Unfortunately, I am Oh-for-Two in those categories. Instead, I'm slow and as flexible as a 2x4 (that's not actually me in the picture, but it's close).

But dare I say that "Plyo" was actually kind of fun? Make no mistake, I'm hurting after an hour of squat jumps and the like. But, again, I pushed play and did the workout. When I needed to, I modified, especially when my left knee gave me a twinge of pain. Still, I finished. That's what matters.

Now, if I could only get out of this chair.

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