Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 11: Yoga for Dummies

As I mentioned last week, Yoga X was not a very fun experience for me. My complete lack of flexibility and core strength gave me anything but inner peace. Inner anger was more like it. So, this week--again at the suggestion of a friend--I tried a different Yoga program. We had one around the house called "Yoga for Dummies."

This DVD stepped me through some of the basic Yoga poses (Downward Facing Dog, Cat Pose, Over Easy Egg...) and gave me a good stretch. It wasn't a workout per se, so I need to find something a little more intense (although I will confess that an easy day today is welcome: my body is very weary). I may actually log on to beachbody.com (Beachbody is the company that produced P90X) and see if anyone has any suggestions.

Ultimately, I would like to be able to do the Yoga part in P90X, because it looks like a great work out. But right now, I'm concerned that I might snap in half or stretch something that shouldn't be stretched.

Then, instead of downward facing dog, I'd be a couchward laying Daddy.


  1. Hi Dana,

    I'm Michelle, Michael's sister. I had written a fairly lengthy comment just moments ago and I wasn't allowed to submit it for some reason. (I think I wasn't logged in correctly.) Anyway, this one will be much shorter...

    Regarding the yoga, Michael recommended Jillian Michaels' Meltdown dvd. I bought it because he'd told me that it was only 30 minutes as compared to the P90X day which is 3 times as long. I knew that I was going to want a day that was a somewhat shorter workout and it turns out I was completely right! The workout is plenty hard, I can assure you. I did the "beginner" one even!

    Congratulations that you've seen results already! That's encouraging to me as I'm a week behind you. I noticed a difference today in my ab ripper exercising that I was able to do more today than Tuesday, but no where near the 349 that they do! Maybe someday...

    Good luck to you! Thanks for your blog - it keeps me going!!

    Take care!

  2. Hi Michelle! Nice to meet you and congrats on starting. Thanks for reading the blog...glad you like it!

    I seem to remember Michael telling me about the Jillian Michaels DVD. I will go look for that. I'd LIKE to do the YogaX, but I just can't....and that's a long time to be frustrated.

    Keep pushing play!!!
