Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 8: Progress? Yes, Progress!

Heading into the second week of PDaddyX, I'm looking--desperately--for any sign of progress. I found it today in decline push-ups, of all places.

Decline push-ups are where you put your feet on a chair and then do a regular push-up. If you've never done them, trust me, they're hard, especially if you're out of shape.

As you can (kind of) see on my work-out log on the right, the first week, I was able to do three in the first set and zero in the second. This week? SEVEN in the first set and FIVE in the second.

Now, I will wait to hand in my Mr. Olympus application, but it is a sign of progress. Maybe I'm not necessarily stronger yet, but I'm more willing to push myself. And that is a definite victory for a doughy, middle-aged guy like me.

Last week, the day after my Chest and Back set I was so sore, my wife had to put down my collar for me. I'm pretty sure I'll feel the same this week--but at least I'll have something to show for it.

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