Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 13: The Perfect Drive Keeps You Coming Back

For anyone who hacks around at golf, you've had the experience of having a lousy round. You've played field hockey with the ball for 17 holes and arrive at the 18th tee completely exhausted and frustrated and swearing you may give up the game. And then--BOOM--you hit a perfect drive, one that sails through the air majestically and lands gently in the fairway. You par the hole and leave the course feeling great, ready to play again another day...

I feel that way about Kenpo X.

This was a hard week and my last two workouts were not great (and in one case that was completely self-inflicted). I'm pleased I didn't give up but I was starting to feel some frustration and wondering if I would make it 90 days. But Kenpo X is a fun, hard workout. The time flies and I am able to do every move and make every rep. It wasn't perfect (neither was that drive, by the way) but I feel exhilarated and when I finished, I was immediately looking forward to week 3.

But first comes a much-needed day of rest tomorrow.

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