Welcome to PDaddyX

Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 3: Arms and Shoulderzzzzzz

Day 3 for PDaddyX almost didn't happen. Yes, I'm sore; Yes, there's a lot going on at home, including a sick child; and yes, I have a "to-do" list at work that is longer than my arm. But those aren't the reasons I almost bailed this morning. The reason is the one part of this program that is going to be the most difficult for me---


I'm not a great sleeper. I wake up a lot during the night (probably due in part to my weight) and often, I'll fall asleep in front of the TV, wake up and have trouble falling asleep again. Last night was one of those nights. So, when the alarm went off at 5 a.m., I couldn't answer the bell. At 5:20 a.m. -- two snoozes -- I was able to pull myself up, get my sneakers on and pushed play on the "Shoulders and Arms" work out.

I was miserable at first, but as time went on, I loosened up and woke up. Still, I'm tired. I need to go to bed earlier and skip TV. My lateness forced me to skip the Ab workout I was supposed to do. Will try to do that tonight...of course "Top Chef" is on tonight at 10 p.m. I can't miss that! (Go Blais).

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