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Follow along as a middle-aged dad and husband tries to get in shape. Should be entertaining. Learn more about why I'm doing this.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 4: "Like a Tree" Pose

When people talk about yoga, they talk about feeling "centered," "at peace" and "aligned." I don't often hear "frustrated" and "humiliated" as a part of it. Unfortunately, Yoga X gave me more of the latter.

Of course, this isn't Yoga X's fault. After a lifetime of being overweight, not stretching or regularly exercising, I am what some would call, um, rigid. In other words, asking me to do a "tree pose," is like asking an actual tree. I had to skip a lot of the exercises, including the "Warrior Three" pose pictured here and several others.

It wasn't an hour and a half wasted, though (yes, an hour and a half). I did get some good stretches in and I did feel a little burn on some of the poses I actually could do. But, I can't say I've reached inner peace.

However, I did press play.

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